Billy Halker, O.T., C.H.T.
Billy Halker is an occupational therapist with a specialty in hand therapy. Before specializing in hand therapy in 2007, he worked in acute, subacute, and outpatient rehabilitation as well as worker injury prevention.
As a hand therapist, he has a passion for fabricating splints that positively impact functional outcomes. He believes a team approach to patient care is essential and enjoys the educational interactions between patients, hand surgeons, support staff, and therapists.
Billy’s interests include spending time with his wife and two kids, hiking, playing soccer, golfing, playing guitar, and gardening.
Education & Training
- Bachelor of Science: The College of Idaho, Caldwell, ID
- Master of Occupational Therapy and Master of Education: Idaho State University, Potacello, ID
- Hand Therapy Certification Commission: Certified Hand Therapist