Jay L. Crary, M.D.
Ankle, Foot, Joint Replacement, Bunions, Total Ankle Replacement
Foot & Ankle Surgery
Dr. Jay Crary is an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in problems of the foot and ankle including total ankle replacement as well as general orthopedics. He does all aspects of operative and nonoperative care including bunions. His interests include sports medicine and arthroscopy, arthritis, tendonitis, deformity correction, and trauma. His goal is to help patients improve the quality of their lives through education and appropriate interventions. In his free time, Dr. Crary enjoys hiking, skiing, and traveling with his family.
Dr. Crary is available to see foot and ankle patients at Rebound Orthopedics & Neurosurgery in Vancouver at Rebound Vancouver as well as in Portland at Rebound Rose Quarter.
Education & Training
- Bachelor of Arts in Human Biology: Stanford University, Stanford, CA
- Doctor of Medicine: Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA
- General Surgery Internship: University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, WA
- Orthopedic Surgery Residency: University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, WA
- Foot and Ankle Surgery Fellowship: University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
- American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
Professional Associations
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
- American Medical Association
- American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society
Team Affiliations
- Portland Trail Blazers
Hospital Affiliations
- PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center
- Best Doctors in America: 2007 – 2008, 2011 – 2012
- Portland Monthly Top Doctors: 2010, 2012
Physicians' Pavilion
200 Northeast Mother Joseph Place, Suite 110
Vancouver, WA 98664Orthopedics, Physiatry, and Hand Therapy: Suite 110
Neurosurgery: Suite 300
Spine, Sports & Regenerative Medicine: Suite 305
Rebound Surgery Center: Suite 200
Administration/Medical Records: Suite 210Clinic Address:
One North Center Court Street, Suite 110
Portland, OR 97227Parking Address:
100 North Drexler Drive
Portland, OR 97227
Patient Reviews
-Dawn Depner
Initially, Dr. Crary had to visit me! I was brought to Peace Health Southwest by ambulance, having been involved in a head-on collision not far from my home. I can't remember much in the beginning; I sustained a TBI and stayed in a coma for a couple weeks. The story, so they tell me, was that I had sustained injuries in various areas of my body, the most critical being my brain injury, and then massive damage to my right foot and ankle. The option was to amputate. By some huge miracle, Dr. Crary attended the (ankle) injury and believed that it could be corrected with surgery rather than amputation. He operated in a fashion which looked much like piecing together a puzzle, judging by the many (MANY) x-rays taken from that point on.
Dr. Crary continued to see me during my stay, and then long after for subsequent corrective surgeries, and then throughout months and months of physical therapy. No one was really sure how this situation would pan out; I think the hope was that the damage could be corrected with the closest resemblance possible to my foot before the accident.
With each surgery, my ankle and foot decided it wanted to be back to normal. By the final surgery, it was a new ankle, but one which functioned with more and more ease. With each visit to Dr. Crary, and each visit to Lisa Seitz (my physical therapist,) I re-learned how to walk properly to the point where those who know me continue to point out that the limp has all but disappeared. I couldn't have gotten better care if I had asked. The Lord was with me that day, and blessed me with excellent doctors and excellent therapists, and a seeminly impossible chance to heal.
-Nicole A.
Patient Reviews
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I haven't been to see Dr. Crary for at least 8 years, because I don't have to! He did such a great job surgically that I am doing very well.
When I first started seeing Dr. Crary, I was already diagnosed with Avascular Necrosis in my talus bone. I could barely walk and preferred to hop on one foot to get around. I had already been to two other physicians one of which performed some surgery. Dr. Crary took bone from my knee and replaced it with the necrosis in my ankle.
Wow, I can walk pain free after 3 years of severe pain. Today I am walking and cycling long distances and am pain free.
Thank you for giving me my freedom again. It's been a long time since I was last there, and I would say that's a good thing!